Pulling Sunset

Pulling Sunset

Pulling Sunset is a travelogue of poetry and photography inspired by the RV adventures of Terri and her husband, Ray. The two, along with their dog, Chaka, traveled across the United States as full-time RVers from 2019 to 2022.

“In Pulling Sunset, Terri L. French keeps her readers in tow as well, while she tramps the woods, winter beach and canyon bowls of this here land, rediscovering the beauty in the ordinary from sea brine to bull kelp to catkins dancing on branches,,, a refreshing read from a woman living both on and off the road.”

—Robin White, editor, Akitsu Quarterly

“Pulling Sunset is a collection full of photographs, haibun, shahai, and haikai verses, so go somewhere special with them; maybe take a candlelit bath, or find a favourite haunt. The collection’s driving force for me is haitatsu, my term for the engine of poetry, where everything delivers and comes together. It’s where we’re engaged with all our senses, to taste the poems, and their adventures, in a full range of color.”

—Alan Summers, founder, Call of the Page